Photo Submission Guideline

The conference is dated on May 22, 2022 (World Biodiversity Day)

We will be accepting the photographs from February 10, 2022, to April 30, 2022

Kindly register here providing your personal information, the number of photos you want to consider for the conference. Once you submit the form, you are required to submit photo(s) and their story via E-mail to

The participants are requested to follow the below-mentioned guideline strictly. In case of any confusions, please contact us via 

Photo Submission Guidelines:

    • The photo should have been taken within Nepal’s boundaries.
    • It must have been shot within the past 5 years.
    • The photo should not have been published or submitted in any other competitions.
    • The submitted photo should be original maintaining integrity and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.
    • Photos of staged events misrepresenting the original context cannot be accepted and can be disqualified at any stage, in case of doubts we can ask for RAW photo from the photographer.
    • Each individual can submit photos in all Four thematic areas, but only one photo per thematic area.
    • Participants must have agreed to let the organizers use their submissions for marketing, promotional and other materials, with due credit provided to the photographer.
    • Organizers shall assume that the entering participant has duly obtained the permission of people featured in their photographs and for the use of such an image by the organizers as they see fit.
    • You need to write a story (description) of each of your photos.   
        • Title of Photo (less than 12 words)
        • The story (description) must be prepared and submitted either in Nepali or English.
        • The body of the description should be less than 100 words, written in clear and concise language.
        • In the case of multiple photo submissions, description are required for ALL the photos.
        • Photographers should present the abstract if accepted, on the day of the conference.
        • The total file (Abstract + Photo) size should be less than 25 MB.

* Please note that the photo can be rejected if:

    1. The submission does not match the thematic areas.
    2. It is verified that the submission is not the original work of the participant.
    3. The description does not match the photo submission.
    4. The submission does not follow the mentioned guideline.
    5. The submission has use of offensive or vulgar language towards any individual, community, or organization.